Tired of losing your to-do lists for your projects? Create It Now! is a responsive application to keep track of all of your projects’ to-do lists that you have been working toward. By keeping such a list, you make sure that your tasks are written down all in one place, so you don’t forget anything important. By prioritizing tasks, you plan the order in which you’ll do them, so that you can tell what needs your immediate attention and what you can leave until later. After the completion of each to-do list item, you may write a journal entry (complete with a photo) to reflect upon the journey and track your progress throughout the project to meet your goals. When the project is complete, you will have a complete journal that documents the progress of the work done!
Video Demo
Key Features
Responsiveness: mobile and tablet-friendly
Users can either take a picture or upload an image from their device to a journal entry
Notifications to inform the users of their past uncompleted to-do items and any upcoming to-do items that are due in the next 2 days
Project progress updates: When all of the to-do items for a project are completed, the entire project progress status changes to “Completed” from “In Progress” for users’ motivation
Create a UI mockup for the application that is optimized for mobile devices, which I am really proud of!
Build the following responsive Vue views/templates/pages with Bootstrap components: Welcome, Dashboard, and Project-Specific pages, along with Add-A-Project and Notification Modals
Query Firebase collections to display and edit the correct forms and fields for the authorized users
Create notifications to inform the users of their past incompleted to-do items and any upcoming to-do items that are due in the next 2 days
Manage the website’s routers
Perform accurate accordion displays and functionalities from multiple to-do items and projects on the same page
Lessons Learned
Firebase helps to develop applications quicker with different services that are offered
Meeting with the entire group throughout the project is a must to check up on each members progress and to see if anyone needs assistance with their part
Writing meaningful Git commit messages definitely helps other programmers as well as yourself when it comes to looking for a certain change
Everyone must understand each feature before implementing it, so there won’t be any problems when combining all of the code together