CSCI 3081 - Drone Delivery System
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CASubjectThis is the Abstract Subject class from which our subjects will inherit Implements the Observer/subject pattern
 CBeelineRouteThis is the Beeline Route class where we can use the strategy pattern to implement a Beeline route for carriers
 CCarrierA representation of a carrier An abstract base class for delivery transportation clases like Drone or Robot. Robot and Drone inherited from Carrier
 CCarrierFactoryThis is a derived class from IEntityFactory to manage all other factories (e.g. DroneFactory, PackageFactory, CustomerFactory...)
 CChargingStationA representation of a ChargingStation, inherited from EntityBase It stores the ChargingStation's name, ID, version, position, direction, and dynamic mode
 CChargingStationFactoryThis is the ChargingStationFactory, responsible for making charging station object
 CCompositeFactoryThis is a derived class from IEntityFactory to manage all other factories (e.g. DroneFactory, PackageFactory, CustomerFactory...)
 CCustomerA representation of a Customer, inherited from EntityBase It stores the Customer's name, ID, version, position, direction, and dynamic mode
 CCustomerFactoryThis is the CustomerFactory, responsible for making Customer object
 CDeliverySimulationThis is the facade for the delivery system
 CDroneA representation of a drone It stores the drone's name, ID, version, position, direction, speed, and dynamic mode
 CDroneFactoryThis is the DroneFactory, responsible for making Drone object
 CEntityBaseThe base class for creating entities
 CGenerateIdGenerateId class generates a static unique identifier to the customer, drone, robot, package, and battery objects. Each time GenerateNewId() is called, the id variable gets incremented
 CIDeliverySystemThe abstract facade of a drone delivery subsystem
 CPackageA representation of a Package, inherited from EntityBase It stores the Package's name, ID, version, position, direction, and dynamic mode
 CPackageFactoryThis is the PackageFactory, responsible for making Drone object
 CParabolicRouteThis is the Parabolic Route class where we can use the strategy pattern to implement a parabolic route
 CRechargeDroneA representation of a drone It stores the drone's name, ID, version, position, direction, speed, and dynamic mode
 CRechargeDroneFactoryThis is the RECHARGE_DRONE_FACTORY, responsible for making Recharge Drones
 CRobotA representation of a robot It stores the robot's name, ID, version, position, direction, speed, and dynamic mode
 CRobotFactoryThis is the RobotFactory, responsible for making a robot object
 CRouteStrategyThis is the Route Strategy class where we can use the interface to decide which type of route behaviour to implement using a strategy pattern
 CSmartRouteThis is the Smart Route class where we can use the strategy pattern to implement a A* shortest path route
 CVectorThis is the interface class for the Vector3D and Vector2D classes
 CVector2DThis is the Vector2D class
 CVector3DThis is the Vector3D class
 CEntityConsoleLoggerThe Entity Console Logger outputs entity events to the command line
 CIEntityA movable object in a scene. Entities have position, direction and size
 CIEntityObserverObservers entity events when they occur
 CIEntitySystemAn abstract class that represents an entity system that contains entities and updates over time
 CIGraphRepresents a read only graph object
 CIGraphNodeRepresents a node in a graph object
 CISceneViewerAbstact class for viewing a scene representing an entity system
 COSMGraphParserParses an Open Street Map xml file along with a normalized height map
 CWebSceneViewerA web viewer for the entity system that uses web sockets